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Amazon Upgrades FBM Latency to Automatic Handling Time [Seller News]

Amazon Upgrades FBM Latency to Automatic Handling Time
February 21, 2024 No Comments

In a strategic move that promises to redefine the landscape for Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers, Amazon has recently rolled out a groundbreaking upgrade: Automatic Handling Time (AHT). This significant development aims to automate and streamline the handling time for FBM operations, presenting a paradigm shift that could reshape how sellers approach their logistics and sales strategies. This blog delves into the details of this game-changing upgrade, exploring its potential benefits for Amazon sellers.

All to Know About Amazon Upgrades FBM Latency to Automatic Handling Time 

Amazon’s decision to upgrade FBM latency to Automatic Handling Time signals a pivotal moment for sellers. Traditionally, FBM sellers have faced challenges in handling times, impacting their ability to compete with the speed and efficiency of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). The introduction of AHT seeks to address these challenges head-on, offering FBM sellers a powerful tool to enhance their order fulfillment processes.

AHT, at its core, is an automated system designed to manage and optimize handling times for FBM sellers. This upgrade aims to bring efficiency and speed to the order fulfillment process, aligning FBM operations more closely with the standards set by the FBA model. Sellers can expect reduced manual intervention and a more streamlined approach to managing inventory and shipping processes.

Benefits of the AHT Upgrade for FBM Sellers

The introduction of Automatic Handling Time (AHT) marks a transformative upgrade for Fulfillment by Amazon Merchant (FBM) sellers. This innovative system offers a host of benefits that have the potential to reshape how FBM sellers operate and compete in the e-commerce landscape. Let’s delve into the significant advantages of the AHT upgrade to FBM sellers:

Operational Efficiency:

AHT introduces automation into the handling time process, significantly reducing manual intervention. This streamlining of operations enhances overall efficiency, allowing sellers to manage their inventory and fulfill orders more seamlessly.

Faster Order Processing:

With AHT, FBM sellers can expect faster order processing times. The automated handling of orders enables quicker decision-making and execution, reducing delays from when a customer places an order to its dispatch.

Improved Competitiveness:

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) has traditionally held a competitive edge due to its expedited shipping and handling capabilities. AHT levels the playing field by empowering FBM sellers to offer faster shipping times, enhancing their competitiveness and appealing to customers who prioritize quick delivery.

Flexibility in Peak Demand:

AHT equips FBM sellers with the flexibility to handle peak demand periods efficiently. Whether it’s during seasonal spikes or special promotions, the automated system enables sellers to manage increased order volumes without sacrificing efficiency or customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

Quicker handling times directly improve customer experience. Customers today expect rapid order fulfillment, and AHT enables FBM sellers to meet these expectations, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels and potentially increased positive reviews.

Cost Savings:

The automation brought by AHT can result in cost savings for FBM sellers. Reduced manual labor and improved operational efficiency mean sellers can optimize their resources and allocate their budget to other business areas.

Customized Shipping Strategies:

AHT allows FBM sellers to adopt more nuanced shipping strategies. Sellers can adapt their handling times based on product characteristics, geographic location, or market demand. This customization provides flexibility that was previously challenging for FBM operations.

Potential for Increased Sales:

The improved operational efficiency, faster order processing, and enhanced competitiveness collectively contribute to the potential for increased sales. AHT enables FBM sellers to capitalize on opportunities, meet customer expectations, and attract a broader customer base.

Examples of FBM Latency to Automatic Handling Time

The transition from Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) latency to Automatic Handling Time (AHT) on Amazon brings about tangible examples that illustrate the practical impact of this upgrade for sellers. These examples highlight how AHT is poised to revolutionize the order fulfillment process for FBM sellers:

  1. Reduced Processing Delays:

In the FBM latency model, sellers might experience delays in processing orders due to manual handling times. With the introduction of AHT, these delays are significantly reduced as the automated system takes charge of the handling process. Sellers can expect a smoother and more efficient order processing workflow.

  1. Swift Response to Customer Orders:

AHT allows FBM sellers to respond swiftly to customer orders. Unlike the traditional latency approach, where manual handling could lead to delays, the automated system enables quick decision-making, ensuring customer orders are processed and dispatched promptly.

  1. Efficient Management of Inventory Fluctuations:

FBM sellers often face challenges in efficiently managing inventory fluctuations, especially during peak demand periods. AHT facilitates a more responsive approach to handling varying inventory levels, enabling sellers to adapt dynamically to market demands without compromising efficiency.

  1. Improved Handling during Seasonal Peaks:

FBM sellers may need help to cope with increased order volumes during seasonal peaks, such as holidays or special events. AHT equips sellers to handle these peaks more effectively by automating handling times, preventing bottlenecks, and ensuring timely fulfillment even in high-demand scenarios.

  1. Flexible Handling Strategies Based on Product Characteristics:

AHT enables FBM sellers to adopt more nuanced handling strategies based on product characteristics. For example, certain products may require specialized handling or packaging, and the automated system allows sellers to customize their approach, ensuring the appropriate care and attention for different types of items.

  1. Real-time Adaptation to Market Conditions:

AHT allows FBM sellers to adapt to changing market conditions in real time. Whether responding to sudden spikes in demand or adjusting handling times based on market trends, the automated system enables sellers to be more agile, fostering adaptability in a dynamic e-commerce environment.

  1. Optimized Handling for Different Product Categories:

Different product categories may require distinct handling approaches. AHT empowers FBM sellers to optimize handling processes based on the specific requirements of each product category, ensuring that items are processed and dispatched most appropriately.

An Overview of New Automated Handling Time (AHT) Program

The introduction of Amazon’s new Automated Handling Time (AHT) program marks a significant advancement for Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers on the platform. AHT represents a departure from the traditional model of manually managing handling times, ushering in a streamlined and automated approach to order fulfillment.

Amazon’s Automated Handling Time (AHT) program represents a forward-thinking initiative to revolutionize order fulfillment for FBM sellers. By automating handling times, AHT introduces efficiency, flexibility, and a heightened ability to respond to market dynamics, ultimately empowering FBM sellers to elevate their performance on the Amazon platform.

Comparisons with SFP and Logistics Focus for Sellers

The comparison between Amazon’s Automated Handling Time (AHT) program and Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) reflects the dynamic landscape of fulfillment options available to sellers on the platform. Additionally, a broader focus on logistics becomes crucial for sellers looking to optimize their strategies. Let’s delve into these comparisons:

Amazon’s Automated Handling Time (AHT) programSeller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) 
Automation vs. Self-Fulfillment:
Automated Handling Time focuses on automating the handling process for FBM sellers. It introduces efficiency and speed to the order fulfillment process through automation.On the other hand, Seller Fulfilled Prime allows sellers to fulfill Prime orders from their facilities. It requires sellers to meet stringent performance and shipping requirements set by Amazon.
Eligibility and Requirements:Available to all FBM sellers, AHT provides an automated solution to streamline handling times.Sellers must apply and meet specific criteria to participate in SFP. This includes demonstrating consistently high-performance metrics, offering nationwide delivery coverage, and meeting stringent shipping speed requirements.
Flexibility:AHT offers flexibility in handling times, allowing sellers to adapt based on product characteristics, geographic locations, and market demand.Sellers have more control over their fulfillment process, but they must adhere to Amazon’s strict requirements for shipping speed and performance metrics.
Competitiveness:Enhances competitiveness for FBM sellers by bridging the efficiency gap with FBA, particularly regarding order processing speed.Positions sellers to attract Prime customers directly, contributing to enhanced competitiveness, customer trust, and potential sales growth.

Additional Features and Account Health Considerations with AHT

As Amazon’s Automated Handling Time (AHT) program brings automation to the order fulfillment process for Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers, there are additional features and account health considerations that sellers should consider. Understanding these aspects is vital for maximizing the benefits of AHT and maintaining a positive standing on the Amazon platform.

Additional Features with AHT:

  1. Dynamic Handling Time Adjustment:

AHT allows sellers to adjust handling times dynamically based on various factors. Sellers can fine-tune their handling processes to align with specific product characteristics, shipping destinations, and market demands.

  1. Real-time Monitoring and Insights:

Sellers using AHT can access real-time monitoring and insights into their handling times. This visibility allows sellers to stay informed about the status of orders, track performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their fulfillment operations.

  1. Integration with Seller Dashboard:

AHT seamlessly integrates into the seller dashboard on Amazon. Sellers can access and manage their AHT settings directly within their Seller Central accounts, ensuring a user-friendly and integrated experience.

  1. Communication and Updates:

Amazon typically communicates updates and additional features related to AHT through the seller communication channels. Sellers should pay attention to any announcements, emails, or notifications from Amazon to stay informed about new features or improvements to the AHT program.

Account Health Considerations:

  1. Performance Metrics:

AHT will likely impact performance metrics, including order processing times and customer satisfaction. Sellers should closely monitor these metrics to ensure they align with Amazon’s standards, contributing to positive account health.

  1. Adherence to AHT Guidelines:

Sellers must adhere to the guidelines and best practices associated with AHT. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in performance issues and potentially affect a seller’s account health.

  1. Customer Feedback and Reviews:

Efficient order fulfillment through AHT can positively influence customer feedback and reviews. Happy customers are likelier to leave positive reviews, contributing to a positive seller reputation and improved account health.

  1. Adaptation to Changes:

Amazon may introduce updates or changes to the AHT program over time. Sellers need to adapt to these changes promptly and ensure that their fulfillment processes align with the latest requirements to maintain a healthy account status.

  1. Proactive Issue Resolution:

Sellers should proactively address issues related to AHT. This includes addressing customer inquiries, resolving order discrepancies, and ensuring that any challenges in the fulfillment process are promptly resolved to maintain positive account health.

How to Strategically Use AHT?

Sellers should strategically leverage the features of AHT to enhance their overall account health. This involves optimizing handling times, adapting to market dynamics, and utilizing the program’s flexibility to meet customer expectations effectively.AHT implementation should align with Amazon’s overall policies and guidelines. Sellers should ensure that their handling processes comply with Amazon’s terms of service to avoid any potential account health issues.

What’s the overall impact of AHT on FBM’s sales and seller strategy?

The introduction of Amazon’s Automated Handling Time (AHT) program for Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers marks a pivotal shift in the e-commerce landscape. AHT significantly enhances order fulfillment efficiency, allowing FBM sellers to compete more effectively with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) regarding order processing speed. This newfound speed positively impacts customer experience, potentially increasing customer satisfaction, repeat business, and positive reviews. FBM sellers can strategically leverage AHT to adapt handling times, ensuring flexibility in responding to market dynamics and customer preferences.

By aligning with Amazon’s evolving standards and showcasing a commitment to industry trends, sellers adopting AHT enhance their credibility and appeal to a broader customer base. Furthermore, the cost-effective operations facilitated by AHT enable sellers to allocate resources strategically, contributing to overall sales growth. AHT transforms seller strategies by emphasizing efficiency, competitiveness, and customer-centric practices. FBM sellers embracing AHT position themselves as adaptable and forward-thinking, enhancing their overall visibility, trustworthiness, and success on the Amazon platform.


Amazon’s introduction of the Automated Handling Time (AHT) program represents a groundbreaking advancement for Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers. This innovative system addresses historical challenges in order processing speed and provides a multifaceted solution that enhances overall efficiency, competitiveness, and customer satisfaction. 

As FBM sellers strategically leverage the benefits of AHT, they gain a competitive edge in terms of faster order processing and the flexibility to adapt handling times to varying market demands. FBM sellers are not just automating their handling processes; they are revolutionizing their seller strategies to be more customer-centric, adaptable, and aligned with the dynamic standards set by Amazon. As sellers continue to navigate and capitalize on the benefits of AHT, they pave the way for a new era of efficiency and innovation in FBM operations on the Amazon platform.

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